-After months I was once again portable. It was nice and almost calming to hear the static and the "qrm" on the call channel. Just turn through
the channels and what do you hear? 0IR/0 The special DX-Pedition from 13IR102. Unfortunately, we won't know where he was until about the middle of next week. Are we excited? In the 4 hours that I
was QRV, I did a few QSOs, but mostly I just listened. IT'S SIMPLY INCREDIBLE WHAT KIND OF "IDIOTS" are on the Freqeunz. Just talking trash or deliberately disrupting a DX-Pedition or any other Activtion. In other words, people from the lowest
Unfortunately, they exist in every hobby.
My QSOs from yesterday
2TC207 Michigan State USA
2FB696 Kenntucky State
2DA010 Michigan State
10AT155 Sinola State Mexico
10RC112 Mexico
10RC/GTO Guanajuta State Mexico
13OP020 Germany
38DX/NA018 Greenland
50KCB Russia
50EK010 Russia
79IR428 Philipne Island OC-129
79KPI/DX Philipine Islands
116AT103 Turkey
306EK013 Georgia
79KPI/DX Philipine Islands
and 0IR/0 unknow DXCC
*Update 0IR/0 was 237IR/0
My two highlights were of course the contacts with Irving and Lars
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